- 03/11/15 09:00
Sometimes, the idea generation process of a digital marketing strategy isn’t the problem, it’s successfully executing it. When you implement your strategy, particularly one with a completely new angle, all sorts of problems can come to the surface.
So, how can you successfully execute your new omni-channel strategy? We’ve put together our top 3 tips to help you out!

Tip #1: Think like your customer
Regardless of the changes you’re making to your strategy, website or general marketing tactics, you need to think like your customer. It’s important that it’s not just your company’s take on a specific marketing approach. Get into the mind set of your buyer personas, this will enable you to not only take into account the design of a campaign or site change but it will also inspire you to criticise the functionality of your campaign, website and general purchasing process, as if you were purchasing an item.
Tip #2: Banish silo mentality
Writing about the importance of both internal and external communication on paper in your omni-channel strategy, is great, but actually implementing it is a completely different story. In order to open the gates of internal communication you need to be able to banish silo mentality. Silo mentality is when departments become reluctant to share information and knowledge with other departments. Breaking down the barriers between internal teams will encourage team work and, of course, communication.
Tip #3: Rotate the hierarchy
Most companies approach strategic decisions using a top-down hierarchy. Filtering down from executives all the way to front line staff, which in fashion, is usually shop assistants. Turning that on its head when you’re looking to implement your omni-channel strategy can help gather customer feedback quicker and make all levels of staff feel included in the new strategy process. Encouraging front line staff to continuously report back to head office with honest feedback will ensure the omni-channel strategy develops and strengthens. It’s more likely to be a success if everyone understands what you’re aiming for.
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