By Carolyn Said San Francisco Chronicle
Unlike industrial robots on factory floors, warehouses or hospitals, Starship and Carry must have some “social” skills, as they’ll interact with pedestrians as they trundle along sidewalks and cross city streets. Nine-month-old Dispatch has produced two of its robots, each about 3 cubic feet in size. It’s testing them on the campuses of Menlo College in Silicon Valley and California State University at Monterey Bay. “The great thing about college campuses is that they are dynamic with bikes, skateboards, pedestrians,” said Dispatch CEO and co-founder Stav Braun. “It’s a great environment to train our system.” Legality could be a stumbling block for the robots. “There aren’t pre-existing regulatory frameworks,” said Uriah Baalke, Dispatch CTO and co-founder. But the ground-based delivery bots, which generally will stick to sidewalks, going along at a walking pace of about 2 to 4.5 mph, should be easier to accommodate legally than unmanned aircraft systems or self-driving cars. Segway scooters, though operated by humans, faced similar concerns. In 2002, the Board of Supervisors banned the devices from sidewalks, though the two-wheeled vehicles eventually became familiar sights on streets in the city’s tourist districts. City lawmakers in Washington, D.C., soon will consider a precedent-setting bill, the Personal Delivery Device Act of 2016, that would legalize driverless couriers in the nation’s capital. Meanwhile, the United States is still thrashing out laws for airborne commercial drones. Just last week, the Federal Aviation Administration received new recommendations that could clear the way for drones to deliver packages and perform other tasks. In the drones vs. robots smackdown, both Starship and Dispatch can tick off plenty of pluses for their side. “Drones are great for lightweight packages and if you need to travel somewhere quickly, especially where there’s not a lot of infrastructure,” Baalke said. “Our vehicle can carry larger payloads and can travel in a more convenient way. It’s more efficient on the ground.”
Martinson noted that the safety concerns between the two are dramatically different. “If a drone falls out of the sky, it could cause considerable damage, even death. There can always be a situation where it encounters a bird or a balloon.” By contrast, the land rovers simply stop if something goes wrong. “Our machine is basically a suitcase driving at 4 mph,” he said. “You’d need to get really creative to get hurt by it.” Starship and Carry can accommodate about the same amount of stuff (the size of three or four grocery bags), but they have some differences under the hood in how they sense the world around them. Both run on electric batteries that can be recharged or swapped out easily. Both will interact with customers via a smartphone app. People will be able to see the robots approaching on a map on their phone, get pinged when they arrive and receive a code to unlock the compartment holding their purchase. Deliveries could go both ways, particularly useful because about 30% of online fashion orders get returned, Martinson said. “You can imagine ordering five pairs of shoes, trying them on and immediately sending back four pairs,” he said. Although the bots are designed for autonomous operation, a Starship can be remotely controlled by distant operators. One human can oversee about 100 robots, Martinson said. Starship said it will soon announce its first paying customers. Dispatch said it’s in talks with retailers and on-demand delivery services. It hopes to offer Carry’s services rather than selling robots outright.. “As cities reimagine themselves to become more walkable, livable places, sidewalks have a central role to play,” said Mackie, the transport futurist. “More and more, people are demanding outdoor living rooms like plazas, sidewalk benches, fountains, cafes and street trees. Frankly, these robots fit into such a landscape much better and much more attractively than the delivery vans and trucks of old.”
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